July the Fourth be with you.
A full ballpark on July the fourth, a lone soldier singing the anthem while fighter jets do a fly-by. Fifty thousand Americans chanting 'USA, USA...". Credit where credit is due - the locals have got national pride sussed. A great way to celebrate our first Independence day. (more…)
July 29, 2011
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Point Reyes
"In taking charge of this station I must say, that it is broken, filthy, and almost a total wreck from end to end of it. In the worst condition in every particular of any station I ever saw, in fact it is more like an old saw mill than a light station" - lighthouse keeper John C. Ryan was less than impressed with the wild, misty lighthouse. It's a place that feels as if you might be able to see the end of the Earth, if it weren't for the damned fog... We stopped off at Stinson beach on the way back to let the sun warm our bones. (more…)
July 28, 2011
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House of Prime Rib
A San Francisco institution - and now fairly popular after Anthony Bourdain dropped by with a film crew. Holly's 30th birthday celebrations were kicked off in style at the somehow still-classy House of Prime Rib. Salads in spinning bowls of ice, crazy Russian waitresses, and what looked like a quarter-scale model of an Airstream caravan delivering steaks the size of a shoebox to your table. (more…)
July 28, 2011
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You'd go nuts banged up in a place like Alcatraz. Many folks did, apparently Al Capone got the syph and lost his marbles. Only a mile across the bay the inmates would stare out at the beautiful skyline, and when the wind was right, they could hear the music and parties on the waterfront. What a gyp.
July 16, 2011
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Bolf Jovi
The arrival of Rosie's sister Holly (Bolf) was met with much celebration. A perfect excuse for day-trips, meals and vino. (more…)
July 16, 2011
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The Fast & The Spurious
What's the point in renting a car if it can't break the sound barrier. Many thanks to Rosie's cousin Will (and his mate Elliot) for not only being impeccable house-guests, but also for letting me loose in their Dodge Challenger and Chevy Camaro. (more…)
July 16, 2011
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Dechrau Canu, Dechrau Cerveza
Neis i weld ffrindie o'r Mamwlad! Hwyl a sbri gyda Sioned a Ciron ar eu taith maith o gwmpas yr UDA.
July 16, 2011
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Rosie the Musical
She's only been here a few months and already there's a musical... (more…)
July 16, 2011
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